Dear Parents/Guardian
This week we celebrated Family Day in the preschool room: Family day is one important Day for all family’s around the world because Family Day is a day where you spend time with your mommy, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle, Aunts & Daddy’s(Every member in your family) and to show them how much you love and appreciate them very much for everything that they do for you.
Educators Read a lovely book in the preschool room to allow the preschool children to understand family day and telling our loved ones every day that we love them so much.
Children also brainstormed ideas on why mommy and daddy are special to them
Here are some of the children’s examples:
- To have clothes to wear
- To eat
- To live in a house
- to drive me to school
- to have shoes
This year on Family Day the preschool Children had an opportunity to create a Multicultural Family 3D house by first painting card board boxes grey and than with the educator’s assistance ( using the hot glue gun to individually glue the houses together).
Additionally children also had the chance to be creative by painting their family members with their fingers by mixing and transforming colors together onto their construction paper.
Below is a few examples of children’s Finger paintings of their family
Here are children’s Paintings of their family members