Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope everyone enjoyed there holidays and new years. This month marks the year of 2022 and so far in the toddler room the children have been talking a lot. everyday the educator are so proud of the children of how far they had come. children are slowing learning the different song we sing during circle time. For this weeks song children are enjoys  “Once I Caught a Fish Alive”. This song is great to sing along with children it helps then develop there memory and counting skills.

here is the video of the song enjoy:


Winter Landscape art Activity

This week children have been busy doing a landscape project. First children painted the background. Afterwards, the children rip lager pieces of black construction paper and glued to onto there landscape to make mountains. Lastly then took white paint and splatter it all over the paper to making snow. They children enjoyed the prosses of this art activity.


  • large chart paper
  • glue
  • paint
  • paint brushes
  • circle sponges