Dear Parents/ Guardians

This week as been a very busy week in the preschool room as educators had incorporated the month of February’s Events which was Black History Month and Valentines Day

Educators introduced Black history month to children to allow them to understand  that black history month is every year in February and explaining the different shades and colors of people’s skin and that we are all treated the same in and out. Educators also talked about diversity of all children.

Additionally explaining Who Dr King is and how he helped people around the world.

Educators provided children with a worksheet to draw what they dream to be or what they would want to be in the future.

These are a few examples of children’s work drawings for black history month 

Additionally, For Valentines day the children were able to create a booklet for their parents that says ” I love you to pieces” ! , with sugar cookies and a lovely poem

In the inside the children were also able to draw an a picture for their mothers/ Guardians, Children also made Heart shapes sugar cookies to add onto their valentines day cards and educators assisted them to place the icing around the heart.

On the left side are the heart shaped cookies that the children created, children also painted their hand and placed it onto another card, on the front of the card it had a small poem

   This is my Hand, My hand will do

A thousand loving things for you

and you will remember when I am tall

that once my hand was this small 


    Educators placed the cookies into a zip lock bag and attacked it to children’s valentines day card.