Dear Parents and Guardians,

In the Month of February we were happy to celebrate both Chinese new years and the beginning month of Black History Month. For this 2022 Chinese New Year Zodiac animal is the year of the tiger. Therefore, children completed a Tiger puppet collage. Through this experience children are enriching their fine motor skills by using their hands to pick up and place materials on the art work. In addition, children are enhancing there representation by using objects to stand for other things. Lastly, children are improving their expressive language skills by learning the word tiger.

In February we celebrate Black History Month, Educators provide different culture items from Africa and displayed it in the drama center. The children enjoyed listening to the educators talk about the different items that were displayed in the center. Through this experience the children are learning about cultural representation and social skills by learning new words and there meaning. materials that were shown in the picture. African fans with traditional colours and patterns, traditional jewelry, dried food, pilon and literacy book.