Good Afternoon Parents/ Guardians

This week in the Preschool Room the children were able to experience a milk color changing science experiment. The children in the preschool room were able to use their cognitive skills by observing what will happen to milk when adding the food coloring and soap.

Additionally, The children were also able to use their communication skills with their peers and adults by asking many inquiry questions such as:

  • Why did the purple turn into black?
  • The green is mixing into the blue
  • What does the soap do when you put it on top?

Attached at the bottom is a video of the children doing the experiment

We used 4 simple and easy ingrediencies to achieve this Magical Milk

  1. Bowl
  2. Milk
  3. Food Coloring
  4. Dish washing Soap
First: we layed out all of our materials and placed milk into our big silver bowl
Second: Children began to placed droplets of food coloring into the milk
Third: The children placed droplets of soap on top and observed the colors mixing together
Finally: At the end this was how the MAGICAL MILK turned out to look. A beautiful transformation of rainbow colors interwinding with each other through the milk and soap

All of the children really enjoyed this science color changing experiment,