Petit Pearson offers a variety of programs for various ages from toddlers to school age children. Our staff create program plans that are based on the interests and needs of the children.

Before and after school- Kindergarten Program
The program is designed for children who are five years old (senior kindergarten age) to prepare them for Grade 1. Using emergent curriculum techniques to adapt to the children’s’ interests and skills, we set a foundation of early literacy, numeracy, artistry, and the construction of relationships and ideas. Kindergarten programs are integrated into full-time child care to provide convenience and continuity.
Our kindergarten program focuses on early literacy, numeracy, science skills, music, French, the arts, drama and play.
The curriculum is designed to foster a love of learning and the ability to ask questions, seek out answers and build self-confidence. We also include nutritional education and wellness in our program, which compliments the healthy, delicious food in our program menus.
Healthy & Nutrition Food
The program provides a healthy meal where the children are given adequate time to enjoy their snacks which promotes social interactions and self-help skills. Children sit in small groups during meal and snack times; children self-serve all foods; and, assist with snack routines. Our food is catered daily by Wholesome Kids.
- The morning snack program is between 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
- The afternoon snack program is between 3:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Children’s Interest and Learning foundation
Children learn best when their environment is geared to their interests. Every child in our program will gain the skills needed to succeed in the school program. Our small class sizes and our staff trained in adaptive early education or emergent curriculum allow us to adapt each child’s learning experience to his or her individual interests and developmental levels. The result is a structured atmosphere that encourages and creates self-guided learning
Family Need and More Family Time
We recognize how stressful it can be to have one child in child care and another in the school system. For families who have a kindergarten age child and a younger sibling, using our kindergarten programs allows for one drop off and pick up location. It also allows kindergartners to remain in full day care with children their own age and with age-appropriate learning.