Petit Pearson is a non-profit childcare centre located within Lester B. Pearson Elementary School. We are licensed by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, and we hold a Purchase of Service Contract with Toronto Children’s Services, allowing us to provide subsidized care.

Nap Time
The educators take reasonable steps to ensure the children’s need for sleep and rest are met, and in line with their age and developmental stage. The following are some of the guidelines for providing sleep and rest times at the Centre:
- Educators will ensure the children’s cots and sheets are clean and in good condition.
- Each child sleeps in his or her own labeled cot.
- Sleeping children will be supervised by the educator at all times.
- Educators will sit near resting children and support them by encouraging them to relax.
- Educators will encourage the children to rest their bodies for at least 20 minutes. If the child is awake, the child will be provided with quiet learning experiences for the duration of rest time.
- Educators will be sensitive to each child’s needs so that sleep and rest times are a positive experience.
- Sleeping children will be visually checked, every 15 minutes, by an assigned educator.