COVID-19 Self Assessment

Mandatory Self Assessment

    If “YES” to any symptoms: Stay home & self-isolate.

    If “YES”: Stay home & self-isolate.

    If “YES”: Follow federal quarantine travel rules.

    If “YES” to questions 2, 3: Stay home + follow Toronto Public Health advice

    *Staff/visitors who have an existing health condition identified by a health care provider that gives them the symptoms should not answer YES,
    unless the symptom is new, different or getting worse. Look for changes from your normal symptoms.
    **If the staff/visitor has a mild headache, tiredness, sore muscles or joints within 48 hours after getting a COVID-19 vaccine, they should select
    “No” and wear a medical maskwhen at child care/day camp/school. If symptoms last longer than 48 hours or worsen, they are to stay home,
    self-isolate and get tested.
    ***If the household member received a COVID-19 vaccination in the last 48 hours and is experiencing mild headache, fatigue, muscle aches
    and/or joint pain that only began after vaccination, select “No.”